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Welcome to the Move Partner Blog

We've got your back when it comes to your fitness business. From marketing advice and top tips from our fitness providers to interviews from key players in the industry, you'll find it all here.

How we use digital product design to change fitness behaviours

Posted by Sheyde Bolton

It's actually a bit of a mystery. In health and fitness, the power of digital product design and the principles that inform it are still widely underestimated. This is mysterious because, at its core, health and fitness is about behaviour change. And, over the last couple of decades, the most powerful changers of behaviour have been digital products and platforms - Netflix, Facebook, Google, Amazon. Big tech's big names.

5 common virtual fitness strategy mistakes you may be making

Posted by Justin Mendleton

Having spoken to operators across the industry, we've noticed five common mistakes with virtual fitness strategy execution that can easily be rectified.

Keeping everyone dancing through lockdown - interview with Laura Karai

Posted by MoveGB

Living in a restrictive world has taught us all many valuable lessons, either personally or professionally. It’s important to recount what we’ve all gone through and share our learnings so we can all be better than ever!

Broga: How to safeguard your fitness business by going online

Posted by MoveGB

In a continuing series of interviews with Move partners about adapting to online class delivery and instruction, we’re thrilled this week to speak to Matt Millar, founder of Powered by Broga®!

How I plan to deliver a new, blended fitness offering when venues reopen

Posted by Sophie Saint

Fitness professionals all over the UK have suffered substantial losses during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

How to run a successful group fitness class online

Posted by Fab Giovanetti

This year has seen the fitness industry turned on its head, leaving many scrambling to figure out a digital solution to continue their fitness offerings to the millions stuck at home.

The MoveGB Interview - with Anthony Vennare of Fitt

Posted by MoveGB

Whilst we’re adjusting to the latest ease of lockdown measures, we’re well aware that COVID-19 has brought around many lessons to fitness business around the globe.